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Design Processes

Attack Surface Evaluation

  • includes code, input fields, protocols, interfaces, files, and services
  • higher attack surface != bad code, it's just a measure of how many things can be attacked
  • turning off unused/unneeded features will minimize attack surface

Attack Surface Management

  • measure # of ways it can be accessed
  • root cause of old/prev vulns can help fix them, prevent future, and determine attack surface
  • elements are not necessarily vulns, but hackers will attempt to compromise
  • cannot compare between software

Attack Surface Minimization

  • turning off unnecessary elements (off by default)
  • only on when needed (certain users/times)
  • least privilege
  • document minimization throughout dev process
    • help lower defaults at deployment
    • allow customer to make decisions about options

Threat Modeling

  • team effort
  • identify and document threats
  • describe mitigations

Threat Model Development

Identify Security Objectives

  • security AND privacy
  • business rationale for obtaining/storing data
  • dev team should not decide if/how to protect data - won't have visibility/breadth to know all threats

System Decomposition

  • model system design using security reqs/objectives (data flow diagram is best)
  • include all processes, data stores, data flows
  • call out trust boundaries (where privilege changes)
  • for larger systems, break down DFD into scenario-based pieces
  • list/describe assumptions and dependencies

Threat Identification

  • use STRIDE to create threat model
Threat Security Property
Spoofing Authentication
Tampering Integrity
Repudiation Non-repudiation
Information Disclosure Confidentiality
Denial of Service Availability
Elevation of Privilege Authorization

Mitigation Analysis

Four types (in order of best to worst)
  1. redesign to eliminate (generally early in SDL)
  2. apply standard mitigation (e.g. ACL)
  3. invent mitigation
  4. accept vuln
  • attack tree model: help one understand threat
  • also need to prioritize threats
  • DREAD (damage potential, reproducibility, exploitability, affected users, discoverability) - 0 to 10
  • can be mapped to probability impact model (reproducibility + exploitability + discoverability) and (damage potential + affected users)

Threat Model Validation

  • validate threat model at each SDL gate
  • do threats describe the attack and impact in detail relevant to app?
  • are mitigations associated with a threat and described in detail relevant to app?
  • dependencies
  • security functions of deps
  • assumptions documented

Control Identification and Prioritization

  • prioritize enterprise security controls - it is more efficient (eliminates duplicate efforts)
  • use security of existing protocols (HTTPS, SSH)

Risk Assessment for Code Reuse

  • using old code/libraries should be scrutinized just like new code


  • threat modeling and attack surface minimization docs can be very valuable if kept up to date

Design and Architecture Technical Review

  • is the SDL achieving the desired objectives?