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Simple Storage Service (S3)

S3 Security

  • private by default
  • only root user of account has access by default

S3 bucket policies

  • form of resource policy
  • like identity policies, but inverse
    • identity policies cannot grant an identity from another account any access
  • resource policies are attached to resources and can allow/deny access from same or different aws accounts
  • resource policies can allow/deny anonymous principles
  • Principal: which identities (who) the policy applies to
  • explicit deny takes precedence over allow
  • block public access - no matter what the policy says, these settings apply to public access (anonymous principals)

ACLs on objects and bucket

  • subresource
  • legacy (not recommended)
  • very limited flexibility / customization of access

📝 Identity vs Resource policies

  • Choose Identity when:
    • controlling multiple resources (easier and not all resource types support resource policies)
    • you prefer using IAM
    • same account access
  • Resource policy (bucket policy)
    • just controlling s3 access
    • anonymous or cross-account

Static website hosting

  • allows access via HTTP (blogs)
  • index and error documents are set
  • good for: offloading static images/media from a dynamic page
  • out of band pages: host maintenance, status, error, fallback pages to provide a better customer experience if EC2 server was offline

Object versioning

  • controlled at bucket level
  • 📝 cannot be disabled once enabled
    • can be suspended but that doesn't delete anything
  • without versioning, objects are replaced if an object with the same key (name) is uploaded
  • with versioning, operations which would modify objects instead generate a new version
  • previous objects can be retrieved from s3 - defaults to latest/current object though
  • deletion by default results in aws creating a delete marker - can be undone
  • version delete: specify version id when deleting an object (deletes permanently)

MFA Delete

  • Enabled in versioning configuration
  • MFA is required to change bucket versioning state and to delete versions
    • API call requires serial id of MFA and code